Assessment of Benilde Associates towards a Dynamic Business Continuity Model in Disruptive Times

Henry DV. Castro
De la Salle College of Saint Benilde
2544 Taft Ave, Malate, Manila, 1004 Metro Manila, Philippines



Business continuity and disaster recovery planning are comprised of activities that an organization must perform to resume operations in an unexpected event. The De La Salle College of Saint Benilde SMIT research study adopted the Business Continuity Model and identified gaps that will lead to the proposed Dynamic Business Continuity Model in disruptive times. From this problem, the research question is to what extent BCM factors impact levels (depth and breadth) of the Business Continuity Model during disruptive times. Data was collected by surveying Benilde associates in various academic positions and the Office Center. The data collected was treated using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression for causal relationships. DLS CSB SMIT identified gaps and challenges for faculty and staff in several dimensions in the existing Business Continuity Model factors and the ff are: a. Systems/Data Recovery b. Organizational Support c. Employee Engagement d. Forecasting Capacity and among the identified gaps- “Organizational Support ‘ is considered the most significant among the 4 factors. This consists of Student Support Services, Hunan Resource, and Registrar’s Office. To prevent the interruption in DLS CSB SMIT operations and the survival of an organization during disruptive times, Transparency of the BCM Strategy cascaded to Benilde associates, the importance of creating awareness and being prepared for the unexpected. Business Continuity Model is an essential element that should form part of every critical business process within the College. It is imperative to understand the factors that were identified as gaps that the Institution could be faced with and also understand the steps that should be taken to address and manage these risks. This dissertation paper led to the development of a Dynamic Business Continuity Model which is essential to prepare DLS CSB for any disaster or crisis. The Model serves as a guide for all Centers on what they should do in such an event to ensure that the organizations will survive during the fortuitous event and how to restore the Business and Institution to normalcy. This Research study could provide a Business Continuity Model framework for leaders to assess their organization’s capacity from an unexpected disruption and be used by organizational leaders to assign contingency planning responsibilities or hire business continuity and disaster recovery planning professionals.

Keywords: Business Continuity, Disruptive, Dynamic Business Model, Systems/Data Recovery, Organizational Support, Employee Engagement, Forecasting Capacity

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