Educational Governance in Myanmar Towards Leveling-Up to Global IR 4.0 Standards

Seng Yaw
Philippine Christian University
1648 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila, 1004 Metro Manila, Philippines



The research objectives are to present the current profile of Myanmar Education, to provide a Global IR 4.0 Education, to describe Global IR 4.0 Education Governance, and to bridge the gap between Myanmar Education Governance to leveling up to Global IR 4.0 Education Governance. As research design, historical, descriptive, and comparative are applied to get effective beneficiaries for the readers, and as the methodologies questionnaire, interview, and survey are effectively applied in the current research. Besides, the methods of data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data or data analysis are the main generators to complete this study effectively. The respondents of this study are 108 members of the educational functionaries, among them 78 people are educators and 30 people are educational officials. The variables such as technical skills, facility, teaching technological competency, and communication skills are considered for the assessment of the extent of Myanmar Education 4.0, and the variables such as the teaching curriculum, technology standards, and technological curriculum are involved for determining the assessment of the extent of education governance. According to the 108 members of the educational functionaries of the respondents, the assessment of the extent of Myanmar education 4.0 and the assessment of the extent of education governance is “extensive” or limited. Therefore, the researcher proposes a framework that includes five components such as constructive criticism, personalized education, industry-ready students, and information and technology infrastructure. These five components- the framework is to level up the Myanmar education governance towards Global IR 4.0 standards.

Keywords: Global IR 4.0 Education, Educational Governance, technical skills, technology infrastructure

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