Exploring the Digital Well-Being of Senior High School Learners towards the Development of A Digital-Balanced Blueprint

Marlita V. Madera1, Ronnie L. Torres2, Ms. Analou Lawas – Ong3,,
mmaderachsm@gmail.com1, brorontorres2@gmail.com2,analoulawasong@gmail.com3
St. Matthew of Blumentritt Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines1
Saint Nicholas School English Programme, Phitsanulok City, Thailand2
St. Matthew School, Manila & Quezon City, Philippines3



This study sought to describe the digital well-being of 461 senior high school students in two private educational institutions in Manila and Quezon City, Philippines. This study employed a descriptive quantitative research design. A self-structured survey questionnaire based on the Six Pillars of Digital Wellness framework by Turning Life On and Emerson Hospital (2021) served as the primary data-gathering tool. The researchers quantified the learner-respondents’ assessments of their digital well-being using numerical values for statistical computation and additional analysis and were interpreted as follows: 4: strongly agree; 3: agree; 2: disagree; 1: strongly disagree. Strongly agree describes a more positive feeling about their digital well-being; agree indicates a positive feeling about their digital well-being; disagree reflects a negative feeling about their digital well-being; and strongly disagree informs a very negative feeling about their digital well-being. The research instrument recorded, analyzed and interpreted the data based on the mean. The senior high school learners reported generally positive feelings regarding their digital well-being across physical, mental, spiritual, social, intellectual, and privacy and safety domains. Despite their mutual perceptions, these variables necessitate further improvement in these areas. Enhancing digital well-being is essential to safeguarding learners from online hazards, optimizing the use of digital tools for personal and academic benefit, and helping them achieve their educational goals and maximum potential. The study’s findings led to a proposal for a digital well-being blueprint for implementation.

Keywords: digital-balanced blueprint, digital well-being, senior high school, physical-digital well-being, social-digital well-being

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