Faculty Readiness to Teach Mathematics in the Modern World Online
Romeo T. Quintos Jr., Ph.D.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/apjaetv1i1mar20228538
The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled a shift to online teaching and learning in colleges and universities around the world, requiring teachers to adapt their instruction in a very short period of time—regardless of whether they were prepared. Drawing from a sample of 30 faculty and 172 students, the study investigates the teacher’s level of readiness in teaching Mathematics in the Modern World in an online platform in terms of course design, course communication, time management, technical skills, and pedagogical skills and to compare the teacher and student’s assessments of teacher’s online teaching competencies. The study adopted the quantitative-descriptive research method. Stratified random sampling and exact population sampling were utilized. An online questionnaire was used, and the responses were analyzed quantitatively. Results revealed that teachers have a high level of ability to teach the subject online. Additionally, results showed that there is no significant difference in the assessment of online teaching as perceived by teachers and students; this infers that two groups of respondents have the same perception of faculty members’ readiness to teach Mathematics in the Modern World online. Thus, a training intervention program is recommended for teachers in order to improve their competencies in instructional development, time management, technological skills, and teaching strategies.
Keywords: course communication, course design, Mathematics in the Modern World, pedagogical skills, technical skills, time management