Research Competence of Graduate Students of the College of Education, Northwest Samar State University, Philippines

Louiesito Jr. A. Magnaye1*, Gerald T. Malabarbas2,3
1, 2
1College of Education, Northwest Samar State University, Calbayog City, Philippines
2College of Arts and Sciences, Northwest Samar State University, Philippines
3Graduate School, Christ the King College, Calbayog City, Philippines



Graduate students are expected to demonstrate research know-how in order to successfully complete their educational goals (CMO 53, s. 2007). This study assessed the research competence of the graduate students of the College of Education, Northwest Samar State University, Philippines. More so, this utilized descriptive-correlational design employing the use of a questionnaire to gather data on the profile and level of research competence of the graduate students. Data were analyzed and statistically treated with frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson r. Results revealed that Graduate students were of middle age, mostly female, single, have been teaching for less than ten years, mostly Teacher 1, have only attended 4 to 5 days of training and whose mean length of research involvement was 1.19 year. Graduate students perceived themselves as “competent” in the indicators of research competence. Furthermore, no significant relationship was found between Graduate students’ profile and their research competence. It was also revealed that the inadequacy of training and seminar, lack of technical assistance, difficulty in identifying the researchable issues and constructing research titles, too many teaching loads/assignments, and lack of enough time to carry out research in the school were the problems encountered. Thus, it is suggested that the Graduate students must undergo enhancement training for improved research competence. 

Keywords: research competence, graduate students, profile, descriptive-correlational design, research-related problems

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