Task- Based Enrichment Material in English Towards the Enhancement of Vocabulary Knowledge

Jessica G. Nombrefia1 Cecilia B. Diva2 0000-0002-5116-80872
Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City Campus, San Pablo Laguna, Philippines



Learning English is very important nowadays, especially in this time of pandemic, if learners want to speak English fluently, the first step towards it is to have a rich and wide vocabulary. In today’s educational trend, we have learning modalities in which one of which is modular distance learning which requires teachers to prepare modules or enrichment materials for the students. Herewith, the study utilized an experimental and descriptive design. Fifty-five (55) Grade 10 students of Nagsinamo National High School who were enrolled during the School Year 2020-2021 were chosen to answer the 40-item pretest/ posttest multiple choice to determine the student’s level of vocabulary knowledge when it comes to connotation, denotation, word formation, and context clues. The developed material has undergone validation by the same number of respondents as to purpose, meaningfulness, responsiveness, usefulness, and presentation. The study used mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentages, and Pearson product-moment correlation as statistical treatments. The result showed that most of the respondents are at in intermediate level in their vocabulary knowledge. The performance of the respondents in the pre-test and post-test was found to have a significant difference. Furthermore, the respondents perceived the task-based enrichment material in terms of purpose, meaningfulness, responsiveness, usefulness, and presentation as very acceptable. It was also observed that there is a moderately significant relationship between the level of acceptability of the enrichment material and the level of comprehension and has a high correlation. Considering this, teachers are encouraged to use the task-based enrichment material integral to the subject area that needs enhancement to vocabulary knowledge. The school administrators may encourage their respective schools for the integration of task-based vocabulary enrichment material in presenting lessons or developing instructional materials. Moreover, further study is suggested using the developed instructional material through experimental methods and/ or a bigger population to verify the result of the study.

Keywords: task-based, vocabulary knowledge, purpose, meaningfulness, responsiveness, usefulness, presentation

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