Team Teaching and Collaborative Learning Strategies in Enhancing the Performance Level of Grade 7 TLE Students in Dressmaking

Ailene M. Esquivel1, Mrs. Zenaida M. Cuenca, MAT2, zmmcuenca@gmail.com2
Laguna State Polytechnic University of the Philippines1-2
San Pablo City Campus, San Pablo, Laguna, Philippines



This study was undertaken to determine student respondents’ perception of Team Teaching and Collaborative Learning Strategies in the enhancement of their cognitive and performance skills in TLE 7 ( Dressmaking) as the basis for curriculum innovation. The descriptive method of research was utilized in this study with the use of a survey questionnaire for the responses. The Spearman tool was used to find out if there is a significant relationship between independent variables, Team Teaching and Collaborative Learning Strategies, the dependent variables such as students’ Pre and Post-Test Results as well as Performance skills such as to Application, Creativity, Workmanship, and Safety in TLE. Respondents perceived Team teaching and Collaborative Learning Strategies with an overall mean of 4.49 and 4.56 as Very Highly Observed. The findings reveal that the cognitive and performance skills of the respondents in TLE 7 (Dressmaking) in terms of scores were outstanding after exposure to team teaching and collaborative learning strategies. This research concluded that the null hypothesis stating there is no significant difference between the level of respondent’s performance in Pre and Post-Tests before and after the application of team teaching and collaborative learning strategies in teaching TLE is therefore not sustained. The hypothesis stating that the perception of respondents in Team Teaching and Collaborative Learning strategies are not significantly related to their cognitive and performance skills in TLE 7 is partially sustained. Since most of the findings were significant, it is recommended to keep the fire burning for teachers and improve Team Teaching and for students to continue and improve the scaffolding and online file sharing tool driveHQ strategies as well as be more resourceful in coping challenges in school.

Keywords: Online Class Students, Team Teaching, Collaborative Learning Strategy, Scaffolding Strategy, Online File Sharing Tool DriveHQ, Pre-Test and Post-Test, Performance Skills

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