The New Normal Learning: Its Effect on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Bataan Peninsula State University Students and Faculty

Juliet R. Masangcap1, Ma. Fatima B. Bacala2, Raymond E. Huevos3, Monina C. Montaniel4
Bataan Peninsula State University
Balanga Campus, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences City of Balanga, Bataan, Philippines



The transition in the educational system places pressure on all academic institutions and their stakeholders upon the strike of a pandemic. The issues of readiness of the students and faculty are a concern. An immediate shift from face-to-face classes to online learning was implemented. Students’ everyday experiences had been controlled. They were confined to the four corners of their house with their cellphone, iPad, or desktop. Different activities in school were missed by the students which cause stress and anxiety. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of online learning on the mental health condition (particularly stress and anxiety) of students and faculty in the university. One hundred thirty-eight (138) students and sixteen (16) faculties completed the Perceived Stress Scale (10 items), Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD 7- 7 items), and Psychological Well-Being (18 items). In-depth interviews with students and select faculty were done for the qualitative part to understand their experience, challenges, difficulty, and benefits online. Students and faculty reported feeling stressed and anxious not only because of COVID-19 dangers but also due to social and physical limitations, lack of familiarity with new learning platforms, technical difficulties, poor connection, and life-work balance challenges. Self-care had been very essential to students and faculty for them to cope with new normal learning.

Keywords: Mental health, Psychological well-being, Stress, Anxiety, Self-care, Mixed Method

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