The Impact of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) on Consumer Behavior: A Scoping Review on Sustainable Marketing Campaigns for GCED
Dr. Mary Easter Claire S. Perez-Torres1, Prof. Felbert P. Rosales2, Prof. Ricardo S. Biason
maryeasterclaire_torres@hotmail.com1, fprsls@gmail.com2,
University of Perpetual Help System-Laguna, Philippines1-2
Jose Zavalla Memorial Elementary School (DepEd-Sta. Rosa), Laguna, Philippines2
University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Oman3
The pressing need to address global issues, including climate change and social inequality, underscores the significance of cultivating global citizens aware of their responsibilities. Global Citizenship Education (GCED) serves as a crucial educational approach, empowering individuals with the aptitude to responsibly engage with global challenges. This review focuses on the scoping review of finding the effect of GCED on consumer habits, particularly regarding sustainable marketing campaigns crafted for it. Analysis of primary research indicates consumers acquainted with GCED tend to favor environmentally friendly and ethical purchasing. Marketing endeavors embracing GCED concepts tend to be more effective, fostering sustainable consumer choices. This study reveals literature gaps and charts future research avenues, stressing the synergy of educators, marketers, and policymakers for enhancing eco-friendly consumer actions via GCED. This research offers valuable perspectives for enterprises wanting to synchronize their promotional efforts with global sustainability goals and educators aiming to amplify the tangible results of GCED.
Keywords: Global Citizenship Education, Consumer Behavior, Scoping Review